Noise at night can be disruptive. If you’ve ever lived next to a train station or had a snoring partner, you would know the pain. However, not all noise is bad for you. Some sounds have been scientifically shown to ...
We’re pleased to announce the latest release of our App and Software, version 2.8, to the App Store and Google Play store. Version 2.9 is also in development with a target release date of mid-March. V2.8 is a small update ...
Today we’re sitting down with Dr. Simon Merritt to talk about how audio can help you switch off and relax. We’re pleased to be welcoming Simon to the advisory team here at Kokoon where he’ll be helping advance the development ...
We are delighted to release version 2.7 of the Kokoon Relax app to the App store and Google Play store. v2.7 includes the following updates: Updated firmware for the headphones including modified EQ settings to improve how the headphones soundEnabled ...
We are delighted to announce the release of Version 2.6 of the Kokoon Relax app on the App Store and Google Play store. This is a large update to the Kokoon experience adding several new features including detailed sleep tracking ...
Sleep deprivation is a growing problem affecting millions of people worldwide. The National Sleep Foundation reports 45% of Americans to have poor sleep at least once a week (1). This is a significant health concern considering poor sleep on a ...
Sleep deprivation affects millions of people worldwide, with nearly one in two people struggling to fall asleep once a week. As a result, the market is flooded with sleeping products – from earbuds to headbands – promising blissful sleep. The ...
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Can’t sleep? You’re not alone. One in three adults has problems sleeping, according to a study by the US National Institute of Heath, with anxiety and stress high on the list of contributing factors. And while the odd sleepless night ...
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space][vc_column_text]Sleep issues are affecting an ever-growing amount of people around the world. In the United States alone, it is estimated that over a quarter of adults have trouble sleeping most nights. The cost on our health (and our wallets) is ...
Even with the best intentions, (the most rigid of bedtime routines, early morning exercise, cutting down on the caffeine and disconnecting before bed) sometimes it is just too difficult to switch the brain off and simply fall asleep. The idea ...