Physical Activity

The Health Benefits of Tai Chi

Tai chi, an abbreviation of tàijí quán 太極拳, is an ancient Chinese martial art which has become famous worldwide for its relaxing slow, purposeful movements, which create a sense of well-being. Tai Chi focuses on breathing techniques and mindful movement of the ...

Coping With Shift Work

Anyone whose work has required them to work in shifts will attest to how tiring it can be. Especially for people who have to work night shifts or irregularly timed shifts (starting very early before 6am or finishing late such ...

What is Sleep Inertia?

Sleep inertia is the term used to describe the grogginess and tiredness accompanied with waking up abruptly, even if you felt like you have had a good night’s sleep, rather than feeling refreshed and well rested. Whilst in most cases ...